Oct 25, 2005, 02:28 PM // 14:28
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: strawberry island
Guild: Guild Of warcraft
Profession: Mo/E
biggest jerk i encountered was in War Camp.
i was selling my stuff when a monk shouts: Rank 3 monk LFG to fo blah blah blah...
Im not a real Pvp-er so i Pmed him asking: What's rank 3 meaning?
he: U dont know that?? OMG! NOOB!
me: dude..i wont know if you wont explain.
he: Lol! im nt going to your a noob cos you dont play PvP!
me: ummm...soo, mebbe i dont like PvP i prefer to kill critters for stuff and just following teh storyline (im a heavy RPG-er)
He: Noob, only Pvp is fun, adn you dont even know what ranking is ur so low
me: and i wont ever learn if you wont explain me...
He: well im not going to ur to noobish for it.
seriously ppl, if anything is anoyings its ppl that are purely doing PvP, it might be fun, but its not my thing, so what? does that make us RPG-ers noobs and lamers? i think not.
Oct 25, 2005, 02:29 PM // 14:29
Academy Page
Join Date: Oct 2005
Guild: Dusk
Profession: Mo/Me
I had a W/Mo last night that redefined the term "Leroy Jenkins".
I'm doing the Wilds mission with my new ranger character. The W/Mo (lvl 19) in question, named Drac, is the group "leader". To form the group he just invited random people and hit start as soon at we had 6. Aside from me (lvl 15) and a Necro (lvl 13) everyone else was 18 or higher, so I figured maybe this mish mash of people could work.
Another W/Mo who was invited asked "Is this a bonus group?". Drac yells "no!". I said I know how to do the bonus and we could do it if everyone wanted to. *no one replies* So we continue along around the corner, kill the tree and all the little insects that pop up. At this point there is a 3 way fork in the road, straight to go on with the mission and left to go get the seed for the bonus. I draw an arrow to the left, but everyone else goes straight (including the guy asking about the bonus). So we continue on until we get to the centaur part and this is where Drac starts to really shine.
I tell everyone to go slow through here and to pull one group at a time, kill protectors first, then hunters, then Warriors. Standard stuff. So we head into battle, the lvl 13 necro thinks he can tank 2 W's. He dies in 15 seconds. Drac is taking heavy damage but I am more concerned with killing the hunter in front of me. We finish killing the enemies and by now, Drac is dead. So naturally, being a R/Mo, I click to resurrect him only to find he is so far out of range, I cannot click him on the party window. Huh?! It turns out he ran past the entire group we were fighting and tried to solo the next group by himself! (I hadn't noticed this during battle)
So we finally catch up to where he is, kill the group, rez him and tell him not to run off like that. Sure enough, at the very next spot with all the trolls/wind riders, he runs past them to fight the centaurs up the hill! At this point I was astounded by the sheer stupidity of what I was witnessing.
So we drudge along, arguing with him to listen, all the way down to where you get to the poison spiders in the river. At this point he asks "Does anyone know where we are going?" I said "I do, I have done this mission at least 50 times including Betas." He says "Are you sure, I think we are going the wrong way." I say nope and head onward to pull a few spiders. I take about 5 steps forward, the spiders come down and I see the rest of the group follow Drac as he runs the other way!! Without healing, being poisoned, I die in seconds.
So now I am yelling in chat, "Clearly you don't know this mission or you wouldn't have asked which way to go, and I am 100% sure I know what I am doing since I have been playing since the first Beta, so turn around and listen because we are almost finished."
So the group turns around, comes back to where I died, rezzes me and we start to fight the spiders. What does Drac do? Of course he runs past the spiders to the next group!!
At this point, the W/Mo who intially asked about the bonus says "So are we on track for the bonus?" I laughed to myself and said "I drew an arrow at the very beginning to take a left to do the bonus. No one listened, so I assumed you didn't want to do it." At this point, he leaves the game...just moments from the finish!
Somehow we got to the end and finished the mission. I am completely dumbfounded at how we succeeded. I would like to thank the great monk and elementalist who were a part of that group and did a great job...whereever you are!
Oct 25, 2005, 02:33 PM // 14:33
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: strawberry island
Guild: Guild Of warcraft
Profession: Mo/E
lol Your welcome zado
Oct 25, 2005, 02:36 PM // 14:36
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: I live in Berlin but I'm forced to work and sleep in the most boring place on earth
Profession: R/E
If you only play with PUGs (as I do most of the time), you might be tempted to think that this game should have been dubbed "Jerk Wars"...
Oct 25, 2005, 03:37 PM // 15:37
Academy Page
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: The White House
Guild: [FRAG]
Profession: Me/N
Jerks in GW are more prevalent then jerks in FPS games, to me anyway.
Guild mate needed to do D'Alessio Mission so I said I'd join him to help. I have my lvl 20 Me/N and became the party leader, I figured that with his N/E, we'd need tanks and healers. I'm randomly accepting people and notice that I accepted a lvl 7 Ele. WTF?
I kicked her, and she repeatedly tries to join. It's not a hard mission, but a lvl 7? She starts PMing me and everyone else that was in the party.
Lvl7: I have Droks armor - i deserve to be in your party!
Me: I have 15K armor - and it doesn't mean i deserve anything
Lvl7: I have Droks armor - i'm a good ele
Me: I don't care if you've been run all over the map - at level 7 you aren't going to have any skills.
This goes on for a while until our party fills up - and everyone complains about the PMs. ![Frown](../Img/frown.gif)
I'm selling in Ascalon dis 1:
Me: WTS:: Bow Grip of Fortitude +30 (25K)
Jerk: Noob!! I'll give you 5K and give me the grip. You're ripping people off! I'm reporting your noob ass!!
Me: Ignore List.
Capping/Bonus to kill Glint
THREE times GW crashed and booted SOME us about halfway through. After the first crash, we ended up with almost the same party again, and grumbled a bit, a few thinking that we had just capped and dropped. We make it all the way to the end - after having 2 people drop after capping - and started to spread out and go over strategy for killing Glint... and someone ran through the portal... we were in Droks and i thought i was going to cry. They said they were trying to find a hiding place behind it. OMG. Are you KIDDING ME??
Tried it again the next night, with three monks, one being my Guild Mate. Well - I'm waiting to regen energy - and notice the monks casting Baltz Aura on the casters. They weren't healing ANYONE but each other. I finally start being rude to them about how they don't know their skills and to please heal people. They start using Heal Area while the warriors are surrounded by HUGE groups of enchanted Axes/encanted Hammers. Then one of the Mo/Me casts Backfire on the ench axes. I lost my cool and started going off. They both dropped (were in the same guild). We continued on, with one monk, and totally kicked butt.
Oct 25, 2005, 07:34 PM // 19:34
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Chicago IL
Guild: Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]
Profession: W/P
Originally Posted by Crazy Sausage
i didnt :OP which am i wrong on ? ok i spelt cheq republic check republic but it was 2am and i was stoned lol but aussies are from australia and austria is by hungary and not france, go look at a world map. i did before i posted ![Big Grin](../) lol
I'm pretty sure that you said that austria was NOWHERE NEAR France. That is a relative measure, but they are still close to each other.
Oct 25, 2005, 09:07 PM // 21:07
Academy Page
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: WA (GMT-8)
Guild: The Imperium of Lazy Nation [LaZy]
Profession: Mo/
The biggest jerk I've run into lately was a monk in FOW. We get a PUG together and discuss who pulls, who heals, who protects, etc. Seemed like a great group that knew how to communicate. We split the cost and go around killing stuff, doing a great job. After clearing about half of the first area, a shard drops for the necro. At this point jerk monk pipes up.
Monk: That was a shard
Nec: Yup, with my name on it. ![Smile](../Img/smile.gif)
Monk: give it to me
Nec: no
Monk: give it to me or I leave.
Nec: no, it's mine.
Monk: I told you at beginning that I get first shard or I leave.
Group argues with him, telling him he's full of crap
Monk: I saw a shard
Nec: yeah with MY name on it
Monk: give it to me or I leave
Nec: whatever
Monk leaves.
Occassions where I've been a jerk:
Sitting at Thunderhead with a group of guildies, we see a level 7. So we surround him/her and all proceed to /taunt /laugh /point and follow them around until they zoned.
After starting Hell's Precipice one of the guys stands at starting point. When asked what is up, his guild-mate says he's doing dishes! WTF? Who starts hell's mission then does the dishes? So we bashed him for a while and then left.
Oct 25, 2005, 09:33 PM // 21:33
Academy Page
Someone was advertising to get "a bunch of people" to join his guild.
"Hey, I think you should know that throwing a bunch of random people into your guild probably isn't a good idea."
*insert a bunch of crap including him showing off his knowledge of Hitler, me trying to keep things civil, him yelling at me, and stand-byers suporting me*
I think he thought I liked Hitler because my name was "Hi Liter", which refers to a writing utencil.
Oct 25, 2005, 09:54 PM // 21:54
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Sep 2005
Profession: W/E
lol fair enough a couple of hundred miles can be considered close im glad theres something called the english channel between me and the french tho lol
Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
I'm pretty sure that you said that austria was NOWHERE NEAR France. That is a relative measure, but they are still close to each other.
Oct 26, 2005, 04:15 AM // 04:15
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: California, U.S
Guild: Slash Afk [afk]
Profession: R/Me
I got one.. This one.. was really disturbing.. met him in yak's bend lmao.. weirdo..
Me:"Running people to Lion's ARCH! pm for an invite, donations very much appreciated!"
Me:"you got some problems with me buddy? im only helping people for free, and your helping for 1k."
Tard:"[email protected] YOU! I KNO I CAN MAKE MORE DENAREIO THEN YOU (obviously, he couldnt spell 'dinaro') CUM BY AND STEEL MY PLAYERS WTF!?!?"
Me:"go away, your wasting my time, i have people to run"
Me:"I can stay what i want to, piss off"
(my sis logs on then comes to the place, cuz i told her about this guy)
---Local Chat---
Sis:"whos the weird guy yelling?"
Me:"Crazy guy who doesnt know wth hes saying"
Me:"ok, shit face, your a lvl 11 talking shit, and all you have on is leather armor and a few mins ago your walking around asking wheres the merchant and storage"
Me:"First, your the one running, and you dont know where the hell your running to.. then you start pming people talking shit."
(whole area of people start flaming him for his massive use of the word "RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO")
Then about 10 mins later.. i see him still in yak's bend.. looking for the storage.. -___-
Oct 26, 2005, 04:37 AM // 04:37
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jul 2005
Profession: R/E
Originally Posted by Rabid Weasel
I had another one at the weekend. I joined a FoW group as they where spamming the usual "GLF MONKS" spam, so myself and another monk joined up. First mistake this jerk made (he was the party leader) was he went into FoW without waiting for everyone to say they where ready, he's reply to the monk who only had breeze on because of this.
"Not my fault your such a n00b you weren't ready"
That then prompted everyone to tell him he was the idiot for going in without asking if everyone was ready.
Then further into the level someone got a decent drop and one of the party members said "I'll buy that off you" or some such line, which then the Jerk leader goes:
"FFS i'm the party leader you can't sell things as it's my party" O_o
Then he goes:
"right, you lot are n00bs for not paying, you can't sell things and not pay your way here"
To which i reply:
"Well if you want payment you should ask before heading into FoW not moan once we are in, and once we have already started the level"
Jerk then gets on his high horse.
"STFU n00b, you need to give me gold now"
He then procedes to aggro everything in sight and bring upon the team a ton of shadows saying things like "HAHAHA" or "Now how do you like it" However we pretty much held off the rest of the assualt for awhile before finally dying.
And he had the cheek to call us n00bs.....
So not only did he not get his money he wasted 1k
Oct 26, 2005, 05:45 AM // 05:45
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Oct 2005
Guild: Regent Valley Rangers
Profession: R/W
Ok i started reading this thread and decided to register just so i could respond to this.
A guildie of mine need some help with the mission dragon's lair and me bein the normally nice guy that i am says sure im omw.
So we get a PUG together and we get a w/n in the group we will just call "it" jerk. (it meaning that the character was female but i have nevered heard these words come from a ladies mouth.)
Ne way on with the story. So we get into the mission and "it" begins rushing the crap out of the "easy" monsters (that it died to) so then my crazy friend who believes her ranger is a monk (and she doesnt do half bad at it) resses "it."
Now we are getting further along in the mission and i aske what skills everyone needs to cap - to prevent running thru the portals b4 everyone gets what they came for - and it says they need grenth's balance.
This is the part that a) turns me into a jerk and b) really pisses me off. So "it" continues to rush and refuses to wait for my pseudo monk's energy to recover. Now i decide after several warning from myself and the other members of the party to slow down and wait for her energy he responds f**k that dumb@$$ noob up the @$$(also note this is in a pm to me.)Like i said this pisses me off because that r/mo is like a sister to me.
So when we get to the facet of darkness i promtly stand as close to the portal as i can pull out my bow and start shooting(im regualarly a r/w evasion tank) after it drops i rush the portal. Well lets just say that "it" wasnt too happy called me names left and ignored me.
Oct 26, 2005, 05:53 AM // 05:53
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Oct 2005
Guild: Eternal Freedom
Profession: Me/Mo
Aftermath of a complete wipeout in The Riverside Province mission.... we were killed at the... oh.... SECOND tower?? I was trying to tell my wonderful group of randoms that the bonus mission only becomes open when you kill the towers that are near Saidra, but they kept charging at her, clicking at her, going "wtf' and "stupid npc broek'. Then after I manage to convince them to go kill the tower nearby, the group breaks up and all sorts of hilarity insues... yanno, the kind where the Monks are trying to tank and the Warriors are running around going 'wtf u noob i haet u all feggets!!' *sigh*
I started by going "Ooooooh good.", ala Carl of ATHF the moment we wiped and one or two of the people who died immediately zoned out of the field.
Last edited by GrayGhost; Oct 26, 2005 at 05:58 AM // 05:58..
Oct 26, 2005, 06:16 AM // 06:16
Join Date: May 2005
Profession: Mo/W
some guy: LF Mesmer for R3+ Group
me: I am a Rank 3 Mesmer
some guy: stfu noob
nuff' said.
Oct 26, 2005, 06:36 AM // 06:36
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jul 2005
Guild: Armageddon Warriors Clan
Profession: N/Mo
Whats worse is when you log onto vent and get acussed of being a aussie :S.
Anyway the name Deathade and jerk go hand and hand, just my opinions.
Oct 26, 2005, 07:20 AM // 07:20
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: T Dot
Guild: Akatsuki Org.
Profession: W/Mo
the 3 weeks after i played, I just made to the fire island chains and got into a PUG for ROF mission.
During my whole time playing, I have never met any "jerks" in any of the pugs I played in, and I was a w/mo. Hell, I finished Thunderhead keep in one try with this awesome group I managed to get into. Anyways, so we start off, and this warrior in some unknown brown armor (later found out it was 15k dragon) I'll called "GOD" kept on saying how she is godly and can tank the crap out of everything. She told us that we don't need to do anything and that she can do everything herself. She aggroed everything, all the mursaats in the first group and got us all killed, she kinda ran off so she didnt die. So everyone was pissed off at her and she kept on saying for us to chill and that she can do this solo. SO i was interested in seeing what she can do and tell her to go for it. So she goes and fights one mursaat, almost died herself but killed it, then she is like "yo lemme pick up my drops" and goes to grab all the itmes. After she was done, I said "ok lets see you do this s**t" and she said "ya lemme go to a portal and rezone". I jus started laughing and told her about no protals in a "mission". She got kinda pissed off and left.
So after this first bad attempt, tried it again with another group, some players from the same team lastime. Anyways, we meet up with this ranger who we shall call "henchmen". We start the mission again and after a few minutes she start flaming me for being a noob but for what apparent reason I have no freakin clue. I jus explained that I didnt do anything, I jus killed like 3 monsters, the rest of the team was thinking the same thing and asking what the ranger was so pissed off. Well, she jus kept on yelling and screaming and finally quit the game. And thus, my introduction to the new wave of idiots and jerks in to Tyria....
Oct 26, 2005, 07:39 AM // 07:39
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Sep 2005
Guild: art of Xecution
I barely started playing the game and I got to lion's arch. I had about half a mil and everything and was looking for a fellblade. Some guy yelled out WTS perfect fellblade +15% while health above 50%, 10/10 sundering, +30 health. I whispered and asked if I could see it. He was so rude and said "look noob, if you don't know how it looks or what it is, don't waste my time. This costs over 450k so if you don't have that much stop ****ing bothering me." I was like...um ok, I just wanted to see it and by the way...I did have over half a mil, but I don't think I want to purchase from you ever again.
Oct 26, 2005, 07:43 AM // 07:43
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Fishermen's Haven
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by GrayGhost
Aftermath of a complete wipeout in The Riverside Province mission.... we were killed at the... oh.... SECOND tower?? I was trying to tell my wonderful group of randoms that the bonus mission only becomes open when you kill the towers that are near Saidra, but they kept charging at her, clicking at her, going "wtf' and "stupid npc broek'. Then after I manage to convince them to go kill the tower nearby, the group breaks up and all sorts of hilarity insues... yanno, the kind where the Monks are trying to tank and the Warriors are running around going 'wtf u noob i haet u all feggets!!' *sigh*
I started by going "Ooooooh good.", ala Carl of ATHF the moment we wiped and one or two of the people who died immediately zoned out of the field.
Maybe a topic for another thread, but how come the profanity blocker (the old ----) doesn't seem to stop the use of the word f**k? It does here in Europe.
Oct 26, 2005, 08:03 AM // 08:03
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Oct 2005
Guild: Pantheon of Shadows [dei]
Profession: W/A
Originally Posted by burai
Maybe a topic for another thread, but how come the profanity blocker (the old ----) doesn't seem to stop the use of the word f**k? It does here in Europe.
You can turn chatblocker off. Mine is.
Oct 26, 2005, 08:05 AM // 08:05
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Fishermen's Haven
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by Omnidragon42
You can turn chatblocker off. Mine is.
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